The strength and duration of time for each peel is tailored to the patient.
These prescription grade Chemical peels are performed in an office by a specially trained medical professional. Anesthesia is not required as these peels only produce only a slight stinging.
Chemical Peels produce the best results in a series of 3 approximately 3-4 weeks apart
Chemical Peel Procedure
During a chemical peel, the skin is cleansed and the solution is applied, which may cause a brief stinging sensation. It is then deactivated and cleansed, and a post procedure cooling cream applied. A slight post procedure flushed look appears for the next several hours.
Regular activity may be resumed, makeup can be applied the next day.
Retinol cream and exfoliants should be avoided for at least 36 hours
Side Effects of Chemical Peels
Tingling sensation for up to 1-2 hours after
Skin dryness for up to 1 week
The strength and duration of time for each peel is tailored to the patient.
These prescription grade Chemical peels are performed in an office by a specially trained medical professional. Anesthesia is not required as these peels only produce only a slight stinging.
Chemical Peels produce the best results in a series of 3 approximately 3-4 weeks apart
Chemical Peel Procedure
During a chemical peel, the skin is cleansed and the solution is applied, which may cause a brief stinging sensation. It is then deactivated and cleansed, and a post procedure cooling cream applied. A slight post procedure flushed look appears for the next several hours.
Regular activity may be resumed, makeup can be applied the next day.
Retinol cream and exfoliants should be avoided for at least 36 hours
Side Effects of Chemical Peels
Tingling sensation for up to 1-2 hours after
Skin dryness for up to 1 week